CGAL 5.1 - Bounding Volumes
Bounding Volumes Reference

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Kaspar Fischer, Bernd Gärtner, Thomas Herrmann, Michael Hoffmann, and Sven Schönherr
This package provides algorithms for computing optimal bounding volumes of point sets. In d-dimensional space, the smallest enclosing sphere, ellipsoid (approximate), and annulus can be computed. In 3-dimensional space, the smallest enclosing strip is available as well, and in 2-dimensional space, there are algorithms for a number of additional volumes (rectangles, parallelograms, \( k=2,3,4\) axis-aligned rectangles). The smallest enclosing sphere algorithm can also be applied to a set of d-dimensional spheres.
Introduced in: CGAL 1.1
Depends on: thirdpartyEigen
BibTeX: cgal:fghhs-bv-21b
License: GPL
Windows Demo: 2D Bounding Volumes
Common Demo Dlls: dlls


The optimization code uses infix OPTIMISATION in the assertions, e.g. defining the compiler flag CGAL_OPTIMISATION_NO_PRECONDITIONS switches precondition checking off, cf. Section Checks.

Classified Reference Pages

Bounding Areas and Volumes




class  CGAL::Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d< Traits >
struct  CGAL::Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_traits_2< K, ET >
struct  CGAL::Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_traits_3< K, ET >
struct  CGAL::Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_traits_d< K, ET >
class  CGAL::Min_annulus_d< Traits >
class  CGAL::Min_circle_2< Traits >
class  CGAL::Min_circle_2_traits_2< K >
class  CGAL::Min_ellipse_2< Traits >
class  CGAL::Min_ellipse_2_traits_2< K >
struct  CGAL::Min_quadrilateral_default_traits_2< K >
class  CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_2< K, ET, NT >
class  CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_3< K, ET, NT >
class  CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >
class  CGAL::Min_sphere_d< Traits >
class  CGAL::Min_sphere_of_points_d_traits_2< K, FT, UseSqrt, Algorithm >
class  CGAL::Min_sphere_of_points_d_traits_3< K, FT, UseSqrt, Algorithm >
class  CGAL::Min_sphere_of_points_d_traits_d< K, FT, Dim, UseSqrt, Algorithm >
class  CGAL::Min_sphere_of_spheres_d< Traits >
class  CGAL::Min_sphere_of_spheres_d_traits_2< K, FT, UseSqrt, Algorithm >
class  CGAL::Min_sphere_of_spheres_d_traits_3< K, FT, UseSqrt, Algorithm >
class  CGAL::Min_sphere_of_spheres_d_traits_d< K, FT, Dim, UseSqrt, Algorithm >
class  CGAL::Rectangular_p_center_default_traits_2< K >


template<class ForwardIterator , class OutputIterator , class Traits >
OutputIterator CGAL::min_parallelogram_2 (ForwardIterator points_begin, ForwardIterator points_end, OutputIterator o, Traits &t=Default_traits)
template<class ForwardIterator , class OutputIterator , class Traits >
OutputIterator CGAL::min_rectangle_2 (ForwardIterator points_begin, ForwardIterator points_end, OutputIterator o, Traits &t=Default_traits)
template<class ForwardIterator , class OutputIterator , class Traits >
OutputIterator CGAL::min_strip_2 (ForwardIterator points_begin, ForwardIterator points_end, OutputIterator o, Traits &t=Default_traits)
template<class ForwardIterator , class OutputIterator , class FT , class Traits >
OutputIterator CGAL::rectangular_p_center_2 (ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o, FT &r, int p, const Traits &t=Default_traits)

Function Documentation

◆ min_parallelogram_2()

template<class ForwardIterator , class OutputIterator , class Traits >
OutputIterator CGAL::min_parallelogram_2 ( ForwardIterator  points_begin,
ForwardIterator  points_end,
OutputIterator  o,
Traits &  t = Default_traits 

#include <CGAL/min_quadrilateral_2.h>

The function computes a minimum area enclosing parallelogram \( A(P)\) of a given convex point set \( P\). Note that \( R(P)\) is not necessarily axis-parallel, and it is in general not unique. The focus on convex sets is no restriction, since any parallelogram enclosing \( P\) - as a convex set - contains the convex hull of \( P\). For general point sets one has to compute the convex hull as a preprocessing step.

computes a minimum area enclosing parallelogram of the point set described by [points_begin, points_end), writes its vertices (counterclockwise) to o and returns the past-the-end iterator of this sequence. If the input range is empty, o remains unchanged.

If the input range consists of one element only, this point is written to o four times.

The points denoted by the range [points_begin, points_end) form the boundary of a simple convex polygon \( P\) in counterclockwise orientation.

The geometric types and operations to be used for the computation are specified by the traits class parameter t. The parameter can be omitted, if ForwardIterator refers to a two-dimensional point type from one the CGAL kernels. In this case, a default traits class (Min_quadrilateral_default_traits_2<K>) is used.

  1. If Traits is specified, it must be a model for MinQuadrilateralTraits_2 and the value type VT of ForwardIterator is Traits::Point_2. Otherwise VT must be CGAL::Point_2<K> for some kernel K.
  2. OutputIterator must accept VT as value type.
See also


We use a rotating caliper algorithm [13], [17] with worst case running time linear in the number of input points.


The following code generates a random convex polygon P with 20 vertices and computes the minimum enclosing parallelogram of P.

File Min_quadrilateral_2/minimum_enclosing_parallelogram_2.cpp

#include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_2.h>
#include <CGAL/point_generators_2.h>
#include <CGAL/random_convex_set_2.h>
#include <CGAL/min_quadrilateral_2.h>
#include <iostream>
typedef Kernel::Point_2 Point_2;
typedef Kernel::Line_2 Line_2;
typedef CGAL::Polygon_2<Kernel> Polygon_2;
typedef CGAL::Random_points_in_square_2<Point_2> Generator;
int main()
// build a random convex 20-gon p
Polygon_2 p;
CGAL::random_convex_set_2(20, std::back_inserter(p), Generator(1.0));
std::cout << p << std::endl;
// compute the minimal enclosing parallelogram p_m of p
Polygon_2 p_m;
p.vertices_begin(), p.vertices_end(), std::back_inserter(p_m));
std::cout << p_m << std::endl;
return 0;

◆ min_rectangle_2()

template<class ForwardIterator , class OutputIterator , class Traits >
OutputIterator CGAL::min_rectangle_2 ( ForwardIterator  points_begin,
ForwardIterator  points_end,
OutputIterator  o,
Traits &  t = Default_traits 

#include <CGAL/min_quadrilateral_2.h>

The function computes a minimum area enclosing rectangle \( R(P)\) of a given convex point set \( P\). Note that \( R(P)\) is not necessarily axis-parallel, and it is in general not unique. The focus on convex sets is no restriction, since any rectangle enclosing \( P\) - as a convex set - contains the convex hull of \( P\). For general point sets one has to compute the convex hull as a preprocessing step.

computes a minimum area enclosing rectangle of the point set described by [points_begin, points_end), writes its vertices (counterclockwise) to o, and returns the past-the-end iterator of this sequence.

If the input range is empty, o remains unchanged.

If the input range consists of one element only, this point is written to o four times.

The points denoted by the range [points_begin, points_end) form the boundary of a simple convex polygon \( P\) in counterclockwise orientation.

The geometric types and operations to be used for the computation are specified by the traits class parameter t. The parameter can be omitted, if ForwardIterator refers to a two-dimensional point type from one the CGAL kernels. In this case, a default traits class (Min_quadrilateral_default_traits_2<K>) is used.

  1. If Traits is specified, it must be a model for MinQuadrilateralTraits_2 and the value type VT of ForwardIterator is Traits::Point_2. Otherwise VT must be CGAL::Point_2<K> for some kernel K.
  2. OutputIterator must accept VT as value type.
See also


We use a rotating caliper algorithm [15] with worst case running time linear in the number of input points.


The following code generates a random convex polygon P with 20 vertices and computes the minimum enclosing rectangle of P.

File Min_quadrilateral_2/minimum_enclosing_rectangle_2.cpp

#include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_2.h>
#include <CGAL/point_generators_2.h>
#include <CGAL/random_convex_set_2.h>
#include <CGAL/min_quadrilateral_2.h>
#include <iostream>
typedef Kernel::Point_2 Point_2;
typedef Kernel::Line_2 Line_2;
typedef CGAL::Polygon_2<Kernel> Polygon_2;
typedef CGAL::Random_points_in_square_2<Point_2> Generator;
int main()
// build a random convex 20-gon p
Polygon_2 p;
CGAL::random_convex_set_2(20, std::back_inserter(p), Generator(1.0));
std::cout << p << std::endl;
// compute the minimal enclosing rectangle p_m of p
Polygon_2 p_m;
p.vertices_begin(), p.vertices_end(), std::back_inserter(p_m));
std::cout << p_m << std::endl;
return 0;

◆ min_strip_2()

template<class ForwardIterator , class OutputIterator , class Traits >
OutputIterator CGAL::min_strip_2 ( ForwardIterator  points_begin,
ForwardIterator  points_end,
OutputIterator  o,
Traits &  t = Default_traits 

#include <CGAL/min_quadrilateral_2.h>

The function computes a minimum width enclosing strip \( S(P)\) of a given convex point set \( P\). A strip is the closed region bounded by two parallel lines in the plane. Note that \( S(P)\) is not unique in general. The focus on convex sets is no restriction, since any parallelogram enclosing \( P\) - as a convex set - contains the convex hull of \( P\). For general point sets one has to compute the convex hull as a preprocessing step.

computes a minimum enclosing strip of the point set described by [points_begin, points_end), writes its two bounding lines to o and returns the past-the-end iterator of this sequence.

If the input range is empty or consists of one element only, o remains unchanged.

The points denoted by the range [points_begin, points_end) form the boundary of a simple convex polygon \( P\) in counterclockwise orientation.

The geometric types and operations to be used for the computation are specified by the traits class parameter t. The parameter can be omitted, if ForwardIterator refers to a two-dimensional point type from one the CGAL kernels. In this case, a default traits class (Min_quadrilateral_default_traits_2<K>) is used.

  1. If Traits is specified, it must be a model for MinQuadrilateralTraits_2 and the value type VT of ForwardIterator is Traits::Point_2. Otherwise VT must be CGAL::Point_2<K> for some kernel K.
  2. OutputIterator must accept Traits::Line_2 as value type.
See also


We use a rotating caliper algorithm [15] with worst case running time linear in the number of input points.


The following code generates a random convex polygon P with 20 vertices and computes the minimum enclosing strip of P.

File Min_quadrilateral_2/minimum_enclosing_strip_2.cpp

#include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_2.h>
#include <CGAL/point_generators_2.h>
#include <CGAL/random_convex_set_2.h>
#include <CGAL/min_quadrilateral_2.h>
#include <iostream>
typedef Kernel::Point_2 Point_2;
typedef Kernel::Line_2 Line_2;
typedef CGAL::Polygon_2<Kernel> Polygon_2;
typedef CGAL::Random_points_in_square_2<Point_2> Generator;
int main()
// build a random convex 20-gon p
Polygon_2 p;
CGAL::random_convex_set_2(20, std::back_inserter(p), Generator(1.0));
std::cout << p << std::endl;
// compute the minimal enclosing strip p_m of p
Line_2 p_m[2];
CGAL::min_strip_2(p.vertices_begin(), p.vertices_end(), p_m);
std::cout << p_m[0] << "\n" << p_m[1] << std::endl;
return 0;

◆ rectangular_p_center_2()

template<class ForwardIterator , class OutputIterator , class FT , class Traits >
OutputIterator CGAL::rectangular_p_center_2 ( ForwardIterator  f,
ForwardIterator  l,
OutputIterator  o,
FT &  r,
int  p,
const Traits &  t = Default_traits 

#include <CGAL/rectangular_p_center_2.h>

Computes rectilinear \( p\)-centers of a planar point set, i.e. a set of \( p\) points such that the maximum minimal \( L_{\infty}\)-distance between both sets is minimized.

More formally the problem can be defined as follows.

Given a finite set \( \mathcal{P}\) of points, compute a point set \( \mathcal{C}\) with \( |\mathcal{C}| \le p\) such that the \( p\)-radius of \( \mathcal{P}\),

\[ rad_p(\mathcal{P}) := \max_{P \in \mathcal{P}} \min_{Q \in \mathcal{C}} || P - Q ||_\infty \]

is minimized. We can interpret \( \mathcal{C}\) as the best approximation (with respect to the given metric) for \( \mathcal{P}\) with at most \( p\) points.

computes rectilinear p-centers for the point set described by the range [f, l), sets r to the corresponding \( p\)-radius, writes the at most p center points to o and returns the past-the-end iterator of this sequence.

2 \( \le\) p \( \le\) 4.

The geometric types and operations to be used for the computation are specified by the traits class parameter t. This parameter can be omitted if ForwardIterator refers to a point type from the 2D-Kernel. In this case, a default traits class (Rectangular_p_center_default_traits_2<K>) is used.

  1. Either: (if no traits parameter is given) Value type of ForwardIterator must be CGAL::Point_2<K> for some representation class K and FT must be equivalent to K::FT,
  2. Or: (if a traits parameter is specified) Traits must be a model for RectangularPCenterTraits_2.
  3. OutputIterator must accept the value type of ForwardIterator as value type.
See also


The runtime is linear for \( p \in \{2,\,3\}\) and \( \mathcal{O}(n \cdot \log n)\) for \( p = 4\) where \( n\) is the number of input points. These runtimes are worst case optimal. The \( 3\)-center algorithm uses a prune-and-search technique described in [9]. The \( 4\)-center implementation uses sorted matrix search [1], [2] and fast algorithms for piercing rectangles [14].


The following code generates a random set of ten points and computes its two-centers.

File Rectangular_p_center_2/rectangular_p_center_2.cpp

#include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>
#include <CGAL/point_generators_2.h>
#include <CGAL/rectangular_p_center_2.h>
#include <CGAL/IO/Ostream_iterator.h>
#include <CGAL/algorithm.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
typedef double FT;
typedef Kernel::Point_2 Point;
typedef std::vector<Point> Cont;
typedef CGAL::Random_points_in_square_2<Point> Generator;
int main()
int n = 10;
int p = 2;
OIterator cout_ip(std::cout);
Cont points;
std::copy_n(Generator(1), n, std::back_inserter(points));
std::cout << "Generated Point Set:\n";
std::copy(points.begin(), points.end(), cout_ip);
FT p_radius;
std::cout << "\n\n" << p << "-centers:\n";
points.begin(), points.end(), cout_ip, p_radius, 3);
std::cout << "\n\n" << p << "-radius = " << p_radius << std::endl;
return 0;
OutputIterator min_parallelogram_2(ForwardIterator points_begin, ForwardIterator points_end, OutputIterator o, Traits &t=Default_traits)
OutputIterator copy_n(InputIterator first, Size n, OutputIterator result)
OutputIterator min_rectangle_2(ForwardIterator points_begin, ForwardIterator points_end, OutputIterator o, Traits &t=Default_traits)
OutputIterator rectangular_p_center_2(ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o, FT &r, int p, const Traits &t=Default_traits)
IO::Mode set_pretty_mode(std::ios &s)
OutputIterator min_strip_2(ForwardIterator points_begin, ForwardIterator points_end, OutputIterator o, Traits &t=Default_traits)