CGAL 5.1 - Bounding Volumes
CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d.h>


template<typename K, typename ET, typename NT>
class CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >

The class Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d is a traits class for the \( d\)-dimensional optimisation algorithms using the \( d\)-dimensional CGAL kernel.

Template Parameters
Kmust be a model for Kernel.
ETNT are models for RingNumberType. Their default type is K::RT.
Is Model Of:
See also


typedef unspecified_type Point_d
 typedef to K::Point_d. More...
typedef unspecified_type Rep_tag
 typedef to K::Rep_tag. More...
typedef unspecified_type RT
 typedef to K::RT. More...
typedef unspecified_type FT
 typedef to K::FT. More...
typedef unspecified_type Access_dimension_d
 typedef to K::Access_dimension_d. More...
typedef unspecified_type Access_coordinates_begin_d
 typedef to K::Access_coordinates_begin_d. More...
typedef unspecified_type Construct_point_d
 typedef to K::Construct_point_d. More...
typedef unspecified_type ET
 second template parameter (default is K::RT). More...
typedef unspecified_type NT
 third template parameter (default is K::RT). More...


 Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d ()
 default constructor. More...
 Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d (const Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT > &)
 copy constructor. More...


The following functions just return the corresponding function class object.

Access_dimension_d access_dimension_d_object () const
Access_coordinates_begin_d access_coordinates_begin_d_object () const
Construct_point_d construct_point_d_object () const

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Access_coordinates_begin_d

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
typedef unspecified_type CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::Access_coordinates_begin_d

typedef to K::Access_coordinates_begin_d.

◆ Access_dimension_d

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
typedef unspecified_type CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::Access_dimension_d

typedef to K::Access_dimension_d.

◆ Construct_point_d

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
typedef unspecified_type CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::Construct_point_d

typedef to K::Construct_point_d.

◆ ET

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
typedef unspecified_type CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::ET

second template parameter (default is K::RT).

◆ FT

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
typedef unspecified_type CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::FT

typedef to K::FT.

◆ NT

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
typedef unspecified_type CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::NT

third template parameter (default is K::RT).

◆ Point_d

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
typedef unspecified_type CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::Point_d

typedef to K::Point_d.

◆ Rep_tag

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
typedef unspecified_type CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::Rep_tag

typedef to K::Rep_tag.

◆ RT

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
typedef unspecified_type CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::RT

typedef to K::RT.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d() [1/2]

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d ( )

default constructor.

◆ Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d() [2/2]

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d ( const Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT > &  )

copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ access_coordinates_begin_d_object()

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
Access_coordinates_begin_d CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::access_coordinates_begin_d_object ( ) const

◆ access_dimension_d_object()

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
Access_dimension_d CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::access_dimension_d_object ( ) const

◆ construct_point_d_object()

template<typename K , typename ET , typename NT >
Construct_point_d CGAL::Min_sphere_annulus_d_traits_d< K, ET, NT >::construct_point_d_object ( ) const