CGAL 5.1 - 3D Triangulations
CGAL::Triangulation_cell_base_3< Traits, TDSCb > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Triangulation_cell_base_3.h>

Inherits TDSCb.


template<typename Traits, typename TDSCb>
class CGAL::Triangulation_cell_base_3< Traits, TDSCb >

The class Triangulation_cell_base_3 is a model of the concept TriangulationCellBase_3, the base cell of a 3D-triangulation.

This class can be used directly or can serve as a base to derive other classes with some additional attributes (a color for example) tuned for a specific application.

Template Parameters
Traitsis the geometric traits class and must be a model of TriangulationTraits_3. It is actually not used by this class.
TDSCbis a combinatorial cell base class from which Triangulation_cell_base_3 derives. It must be a model of the TriangulationDSCellBase_3 concept. It has the default value Triangulation_ds_cell_base_3.
Is Model Of:
See also