CGAL 5.1 - STL Extensions for CGAL
STL Extensions for CGAL Reference

Michael Hoffmann, Lutz Kettner, Sylvain Pion, and Ron Wein
CGAL is designed in the spirit of the generic programming paradigm to work together with the Standard Template Library (STL). This package provides non-geometric STL-like algorithms and datastructures that are not in the STL standard, as well as functions to change the failure behaviour of assertions.
Introduced in: CGAL 1.0
BibTeX: cgal:hkpw-se-21b
License: LGPL

Classified Reference Pages

Doubly-Connected List Managing Items in Place

Compact Container

Multiset with Extended Functionality

Generic Algorithms

Iterators and Iterator/Circulator Adaptors


Projection Function Objects

Creator Function Objects



 Generic Algorithms
 Compact Container
 Projection Function Objects
 Creator Function Objects
 Doubly-Connected List Managing Items in Place
 Iterators and Iterator/Circulator Adaptors
 Assertions and Failure Behaviour


class  CGAL::CC_safe_handle< CC_iterator >
struct  CGAL::Concurrent_compact_container_traits< T >
struct  CGAL::Default
class  CGAL::Iterator_range< I >
class  CGAL::Multiset< Type, Compare, Allocator >
class  CGAL::Object
struct  CGAL::cpp11::result_of< F >
class  CGAL::Spatial_lock_grid_3< Grid_lock_tag >
struct  CGAL::value_type_traits< T >


#define CGAL_ALLOCATOR(T)   std::allocator< T >


template<class T >
std::array< T, N > CGAL::make_array (const T &...)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CGAL_ALLOCATOR (   T)    std::allocator< T >

#include <CGAL/memory.h>

A define for the allocator used by CGAL. This is only defined if there is no user defined version before memory.h is included the first time.

Function Documentation

◆ make_array()

template<class T >
std::array<T, N> CGAL::make_array ( const T &  ...)

#include <CGAL/array.h>

std::array<T, N> where N is the number of arguments given to the function. The position of each argument in the array is the same as its position in the argument list.

The maximal number of arguments is 6.