CGAL 5.1 - Modular Arithmetic
ModularTraits Class Reference

#include <Concepts/ModularTraits.h>


A model of ModularTraits is associated to a specific Type. In case this associated type is a model of Modularizable, this is indicated by the Boolean tag ModularTraits::Is_modularizable. The mapping into the Residue_type is provided by the functor ModularTraits::Modular_image.

Has Models:
See also


class  ModularImage
 This AdaptableUnaryFunction computes the modular image of the given value with respect to a homomorphism \( \varphi\) from the ModularTraits::Type into the ModularTraits::Residue_type. More...
class  ModularImageRepresentative
 This AdaptableUnaryFunction returns a representative in the original type of a given modular image. More precisely, it implements the right inverse of a proper restriction of the homomorphism \( \varphi\), which is implemented by ModularTraits::ModularImage. More...


A model of ModularTraits is supposed to provide:

typedef unspecified_type Type
 The associated type. More...
typedef unspecified_type Is_modularizable
 Tag indicating whether the associated type is modularizable. More...
typedef unspecified_type Residue_type
 The type of the modular image. More...


In case the associated type is a model of Modularizable all functors are provided.

In case a functor is not provided, it is set to CGAL::Null_functor.

typedef unspecified_type Modular_image
 A model of ModularTraits::ModularImage More...
typedef unspecified_type Modular_image_representative
 A model of ModularTraits::ModularImageRepresentative More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Is_modularizable

typedef unspecified_type ModularTraits::Is_modularizable

Tag indicating whether the associated type is modularizable.

This is either CGAL::Tag_true or CGAL::Tag_false.

◆ Modular_image

typedef unspecified_type ModularTraits::Modular_image

◆ Modular_image_representative

◆ Residue_type

typedef unspecified_type ModularTraits::Residue_type

The type of the modular image.

In case the associated type is not a model of Modularizable this is undefined.

◆ Type

typedef unspecified_type ModularTraits::Type

The associated type.