CGAL 5.1 - Estimation of Local Differential Properties of Point-Sampled Surfaces
CGAL::Monge_via_jet_fitting< DataKernel, LocalKernel, SvdTraits > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Monge_via_jet_fitting.h>


template<typename DataKernel, typename LocalKernel, typename SvdTraits>
class CGAL::Monge_via_jet_fitting< DataKernel, LocalKernel, SvdTraits >

The class Monge_via_jet_fitting is designed to perform the estimation of the local differential quantities at a given point. The point range is given by a pair of input iterators, and it is assumed that the point where the calculation is carried out is the point that the begin iterator refers to. The results are stored in an instance of the nested class Monge_form, the particular information returned depending on the degrees specified for the polynomial fitting and for the Monge form.

If CGAL_EIGEN3_ENABLED is defined, LocalKernel and SvdTraits template parameters have defaults, Simple_cartesian<double> and Eigen_svd respectively.

Template Parameters
DataKernelprovides the geometric classes and tools corresponding to the input points, and also members of the Monge_form class.
LocalKernelprovides the geometric classes and tools required by local computations.
SvdTraitsfeatures the linear algebra algorithm required by the fitting method. The scalar type, SvdTraits::FT, must be the same as that of the LocalKernel concept : LocalKernel::FT.
See also
This class requires the thirdpartyEigen library.
Jet_fitting_3/Mesh_estimation.cpp, and Jet_fitting_3/Single_estimation.cpp.


class  Monge_form


typedef DataKernel Data_kernel
typedef LocalKernel Local_kernel
typedef Local_kernel::FT FT
typedef Local_kernel::Vector_3 Vector_3
typedef unspecified_type Monge_form
 see the page Monge_via_jet_fitting::Monge_form. More...


 Monge_via_jet_fitting ()
 default constructor More...


template<class InputIterator >
Monge_form operator() (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, size_t d, size_t d')
 This operator performs all the computations. More...
FT condition_number ()
 condition number of the linear fitting system. More...
std::pair< FT, Vector_3pca_basis (size_t i)
 pca eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the pca_basis has always 3 such pairs. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Data_kernel

template<typename DataKernel , typename LocalKernel , typename SvdTraits >
typedef DataKernel CGAL::Monge_via_jet_fitting< DataKernel, LocalKernel, SvdTraits >::Data_kernel

◆ FT

template<typename DataKernel , typename LocalKernel , typename SvdTraits >
typedef Local_kernel::FT CGAL::Monge_via_jet_fitting< DataKernel, LocalKernel, SvdTraits >::FT

◆ Local_kernel

template<typename DataKernel , typename LocalKernel , typename SvdTraits >
typedef LocalKernel CGAL::Monge_via_jet_fitting< DataKernel, LocalKernel, SvdTraits >::Local_kernel

◆ Monge_form

template<typename DataKernel , typename LocalKernel , typename SvdTraits >
typedef unspecified_type CGAL::Monge_via_jet_fitting< DataKernel, LocalKernel, SvdTraits >::Monge_form

◆ Vector_3

template<typename DataKernel , typename LocalKernel , typename SvdTraits >
typedef Local_kernel::Vector_3 CGAL::Monge_via_jet_fitting< DataKernel, LocalKernel, SvdTraits >::Vector_3

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Monge_via_jet_fitting()

template<typename DataKernel , typename LocalKernel , typename SvdTraits >
CGAL::Monge_via_jet_fitting< DataKernel, LocalKernel, SvdTraits >::Monge_via_jet_fitting ( )

default constructor

Member Function Documentation

◆ condition_number()

template<typename DataKernel , typename LocalKernel , typename SvdTraits >
FT CGAL::Monge_via_jet_fitting< DataKernel, LocalKernel, SvdTraits >::condition_number ( )

condition number of the linear fitting system.

◆ operator()()

template<typename DataKernel , typename LocalKernel , typename SvdTraits >
template<class InputIterator >
Monge_form CGAL::Monge_via_jet_fitting< DataKernel, LocalKernel, SvdTraits >::operator() ( InputIterator  begin,
InputIterator  end,
size_t  d,
size_t d'   

This operator performs all the computations.

The \( N\) input points are given by the InputIterator parameters which value-type are Data_kernel::Point_3, d is the degree of the fitted polynomial, d' is the degree of the expected Monge coefficients.

\( N \geq N_{d}:=(d+1)(d+2)/2\), \( 1 \leq d' \leq\min(d,4) \).

◆ pca_basis()

template<typename DataKernel , typename LocalKernel , typename SvdTraits >
std::pair<FT, Vector_3> CGAL::Monge_via_jet_fitting< DataKernel, LocalKernel, SvdTraits >::pca_basis ( size_t  i)

pca eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the pca_basis has always 3 such pairs.

\( i\) ranges from 0 to 2.