CGAL 5.1 - 3D Convex Hulls
CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Convex_hull_traits_3.h>


template<typename R, typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
class CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >

The class Convex_hull_traits_3 serves as a traits class for the function convex_hull_3(). This is the default traits class for this function when R is a kernel with exact predicates but inexact constructions (note that the type Plane_3 is a triple of Point_3 and not R::Plane_3).

Template Parameters
PolygonMeshmust be a model of the concept MutableFaceGraph.
Is Model Of:



The user must include the header file of the polygon mesh type, even for the default type.

This class has a fourth undocumented template argument. Passing CGAL::Tag_false switches off a caching of a plane with coordinates with interval arithmetic. Instead an orientation test of four points is performed.


typedef R::Point_3 Point_3
typedef R::Segment_3 Segment_3
typedef R::Triangle_3 Triangle_3
typedef unspecified_type Plane_3
 A triple of points, in order to avoid the need for exact constructions. More...
typedef PolygonMesh Polygon_mesh
typedef R::Construct_segment_3 Construct_segment_3
typedef R::Construct_ray_3 Construct_ray_3
typedef unspecified_type Construct_plane_3
typedef R::Construct_triangle_3 Construct_triangle_3
typedef R::Construct_centroid_3 Construct_centroid_3
R::Equal_3 Equal_3
R::Collinear_3 Collinear_3
R::Coplanar_3 Coplanar_3
R::Less_distance_to_point_3 Less_distance_to_point_3
unspecified_type Has_on_positive_side_3
unspecified_type Less_signed_distance_to_plane_3
Projection_traits_xy_3< R > Traits_xy_3
Projection_traits_xz_3< R > Traits_xz_3
Projection_traits_yz_3< R > Traits_yz_3
R::Ray_3 Ray_3
R::Has_on_3 Has_on_3
R::Oriented_side_3 Oriented_side_3
R::Do_intersect_3 Do_intersect_3


 Convex_hull_traits_3 (Convex_hull_traits_3 &t)
 copy constructor. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Construct_centroid_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
typedef R::Construct_centroid_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Construct_centroid_3

◆ Construct_plane_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
typedef unspecified_type CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Construct_plane_3

◆ Construct_ray_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
typedef R::Construct_ray_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Construct_ray_3

◆ Construct_segment_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
typedef R::Construct_segment_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Construct_segment_3

◆ Construct_triangle_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
typedef R::Construct_triangle_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Construct_triangle_3

◆ Plane_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
typedef unspecified_type CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Plane_3

A triple of points, in order to avoid the need for exact constructions.

◆ Point_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
typedef R::Point_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Point_3

◆ Polygon_mesh

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
typedef PolygonMesh CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Polygon_mesh

◆ Segment_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
typedef R::Segment_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Segment_3

◆ Triangle_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
typedef R::Triangle_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Triangle_3

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Convex_hull_traits_3()

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Convex_hull_traits_3 ( Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh > &  t)

copy constructor.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Collinear_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
R::Collinear_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Collinear_3

◆ Coplanar_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
R::Coplanar_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Coplanar_3

◆ Do_intersect_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
R::Do_intersect_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Do_intersect_3

◆ Equal_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
R::Equal_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Equal_3

◆ Has_on_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
R::Has_on_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Has_on_3

◆ Has_on_positive_side_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
unspecified_type CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Has_on_positive_side_3

◆ Less_distance_to_point_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
R::Less_distance_to_point_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Less_distance_to_point_3

◆ Less_signed_distance_to_plane_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
unspecified_type CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Less_signed_distance_to_plane_3

◆ Oriented_side_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
R::Oriented_side_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Oriented_side_3

◆ Ray_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
R::Ray_3 CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Ray_3

◆ Traits_xy_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
Projection_traits_xy_3<R> CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Traits_xy_3

◆ Traits_xz_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
Projection_traits_xz_3<R> CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Traits_xz_3

◆ Traits_yz_3

template<typename R , typename PolygonMesh = Polyhedron_3<R>>
Projection_traits_yz_3<R> CGAL::Convex_hull_traits_3< R, PolygonMesh >::Traits_yz_3