CGAL 5.1 - 3D Generalized Barycentric Coordinates
CGAL::Barycentric_coordinates::BarycentricTraits_3 Class Reference

#include <Concepts/BarycentricTraits_3.h>


A concept that describes the set of requirements of the template parameter GeomTraits used to parameterize all classes and functions with 3D barycentric coordinates from the namespace CGAL::Barycentric_coordinates. The concept BarycentricTraits_3 extends the concept BarycentricTraits_2 and adds the requirements for 3D objects.

Has Models:


typedef unspecified_type FT
 A model of FieldNumberType.

3D Geometric Objects

typedef unspecified_type Point_3
 A model of Kernel::Point_3.
typedef unspecified_type Vector_3
 A model of Kernel::Vector_3.

3D Generalized Constructions

typedef unspecified_type Compute_volume_3
 A construction object that must provide the function operator: More...
typedef unspecified_type Compute_approximate_angle_3
 A construction object that must provide the function operator: More...
typedef unspecified_type Compute_scalar_product_3
 A construction object that must provide the function operator: More...
typedef unspecified_type Compute_determinant_3
 A construction object that must provide the function operator: More...
typedef unspecified_type Construct_vector_3
 A construction object that must provide the function operator: More...
typedef unspecified_type Construct_cross_product_vector_3
 A construction object that must provide the function operator: More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Compute_approximate_angle_3

A construction object that must provide the function operator:

FT operator(const Vector_3& u, const Vector_3& v)

that returns an approximation of the angle between u and v. The angle is given in degrees.

◆ Compute_determinant_3

A construction object that must provide the function operator:

FT operator(const Vector_3& u, const Vector_3& v, const Vector_3& w)

that returns the determinant of the three vectors u, v and w.

◆ Compute_scalar_product_3

A construction object that must provide the function operator:

FT operator(const Vector_3& v, const Vector_3& w)

that returns the scalar (inner) product of the two vectors v and w.

◆ Compute_volume_3

A construction object that must provide the function operator:

FT operator(const Point_3& p0, const Point_3& p1, const Point_3& p2, const Point_3& p3)

that returns the signed volume of the tetrahedron defined by the four points p0, p1, p2, and p3.

◆ Construct_cross_product_vector_3

A construction object that must provide the function operator:

Vector_3 operator(const Vector_3& u, const Vector_3& v)

that returns the cross product between u and v.

◆ Construct_vector_3

A construction object that must provide the function operator:

Vector_3 operator(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q)

that returns the vector q - p.