CGAL 5.1 - Algebraic Foundations


class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::Div
 AdaptableBinaryFunction computes the integral quotient of division with remainder. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::Divides
 AdaptableBinaryFunction, returns true if the first argument divides the second argument. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::DivMod
 AdaptableFunctor computes both integral quotient and remainder of division with remainder. The quotient \( q\) and remainder \( r\) are computed such that \( x = q*y + r\) and \( |r| < |y|\) with respect to the proper integer norm of the represented ring. For integers this norm is the absolute value. For univariate polynomials this norm is the degree. In particular, \( r\) is chosen to be \( 0\) if possible. Moreover, we require \( q\) to be minimized with respect to the proper integer norm. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::Gcd
 AdaptableBinaryFunction providing the gcd. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::IntegralDivision
 AdaptableBinaryFunction providing an integral division. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::Inverse
 AdaptableUnaryFunction providing the inverse element with respect to multiplication of a Field. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::IsOne
 AdaptableUnaryFunction, returns true in case the argument is the one of the ring. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::IsSquare
 AdaptableBinaryFunction that computes whether the first argument is a square. If the first argument is a square the second argument, which is taken by reference, contains the square root. Otherwise, the content of the second argument is undefined. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::IsZero
 AdaptableUnaryFunction, returns true in case the argument is the zero element of the ring. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::KthRoot
 AdaptableBinaryFunction providing the k-th root. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::Mod
 AdaptableBinaryFunction computes the remainder of division with remainder. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::RootOf
 AdaptableFunctor computes a real root of a square-free univariate polynomial. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::Simplify
 This AdaptableUnaryFunction may simplify a given object. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::Sqrt
 AdaptableUnaryFunction providing the square root. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::Square
 AdaptableUnaryFunction, computing the square of the argument. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits_::UnitPart
 This AdaptableUnaryFunction computes the unit part of a given ring element. More...
class  AlgebraicStructureTraits
 A model of AlgebraicStructureTraits reflects the algebraic structure of an associated type Type. More...
class  EuclideanRing
 A model of EuclideanRing represents an euclidean ring (or Euclidean domain). It is an UniqueFactorizationDomain that affords a suitable notion of minimality of remainders such that given \( x\) and \( y \neq 0\) we obtain an (almost) unique solution to \( x = qy + r \) by demanding that a solution \( (q,r)\) is chosen to minimize \( r\). In particular, \( r\) is chosen to be \( 0\) if possible. More...
class  Field
 A model of Field is an IntegralDomain in which every non-zero element has a multiplicative inverse. Thus, one can divide by any non-zero element. Hence division is defined for any divisor != 0. For a Field, we require this division operation to be available through operators / and /=. More...
class  FieldNumberType
 The concept FieldNumberType combines the requirements of the concepts Field and RealEmbeddable. A model of FieldNumberType can be used as a template parameter for Cartesian kernels. More...
class  FieldWithKthRoot
 A model of FieldWithKthRoot is a FieldWithSqrt that has operations to take k-th roots. More...
class  FieldWithRootOf
 A model of FieldWithRootOf is a FieldWithKthRoot with the possibility to construct it as the root of a univariate polynomial. More...
class  FieldWithSqrt
 A model of FieldWithSqrt is a Field that has operations to take square roots. More...
class  FractionTraits
 A model of FractionTraits is associated with a type Type. More...
class  FractionTraits_::Decompose
 Functor decomposing a Fraction into its numerator and denominator. More...
class  FractionTraits_::Compose
 AdaptableBinaryFunction, returns the fraction of its arguments. More...
class  FractionTraits_::CommonFactor
 AdaptableBinaryFunction, finds great common factor of denominators. More...
class  IntegralDomain
 IntegralDomain refines IntegralDomainWithoutDivision by providing an integral division. More...
class  IntegralDomainWithoutDivision
 This is the most basic concept for algebraic structures considered within CGAL. More...
class  RealEmbeddable
 A model of this concepts represents numbers that are embeddable on the real axis. The type obeys the algebraic structure and compares two values according to the total order of the real numbers. More...
class  RealEmbeddableTraits_::Abs
 AdaptableUnaryFunction computes the absolute value of a number. More...
class  RealEmbeddableTraits_::Compare
 AdaptableBinaryFunction compares two real embeddable numbers. More...
class  RealEmbeddableTraits_::IsNegative
 AdaptableUnaryFunction, returns true in case the argument is negative. More...
class  RealEmbeddableTraits_::IsPositive
 AdaptableUnaryFunction, returns true in case the argument is positive. More...
class  RealEmbeddableTraits_::IsZero
 AdaptableUnaryFunction, returns true in case the argument is 0. More...
class  RealEmbeddableTraits_::Sgn
 This AdaptableUnaryFunction computes the sign of a real embeddable number. More...
class  RealEmbeddableTraits_::ToDouble
 AdaptableUnaryFunction computes a double approximation of a real embeddable number. More...
class  RealEmbeddableTraits_::ToInterval
 AdaptableUnaryFunction computes for a given real embeddable number \( x\) a double interval containing \( x\). This interval is represented by std::pair<double,double>. More...
class  RealEmbeddableTraits
 A model of RealEmbeddableTraits is associated to a number type Type and reflects the properties of this type with respect to the concept RealEmbeddable. More...
class  RingNumberType
 The concept RingNumberType combines the requirements of the concepts IntegralDomainWithoutDivision and RealEmbeddable. A model of RingNumberType can be used as a template parameter for Homogeneous kernels. More...
class  UniqueFactorizationDomain
 A model of UniqueFactorizationDomain is an IntegralDomain with the additional property that the ring it represents is a unique factorization domain (a.k.a. UFD or factorial ring), meaning that every non-zero non-unit element has a factorization into irreducible elements that is unique up to order and up to multiplication by invertible elements (units). (An irreducible element is a non-unit ring element that cannot be factored further into two non-unit elements. In a UFD, the irreducible elements are precisely the prime elements.) More...