CGAL 5.1 - dD Triangulations


class  DelaunayTriangulationTraits
 This concept describes the geometric types and predicates required to build a Delaunay triangulation. It corresponds to the first template parameter of the class CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation<DelaunayTriangulationTraits_, TriangulationDataStructure_>. More...
class  FullCellData
 The concept FullCellData describes the requirements on the type which is used to mark some full cells, during modifications of the triangulation data structure. More...
class  RegularTriangulationTraits
 This concept describes the geometric types and predicates required to build a regular triangulation. It corresponds to the first template parameter of the class CGAL::Regular_triangulation<RegularTriangulationTraits_, TriangulationDataStructure_>. More...
class  TriangulationDataStructure
 The TriangulationDataStructure concept describes objects responsible for storing and maintaining the combinatorial part of a \( d\)-dimensional pure simplicial complex that has the topology of the \( d\)-dimensional sphere \( \mathbb{S}^d\) with \( d\in[-2,D]\). Since the simplicial \( d\)-complex is pure, all faces are sub-faces of some \( d\)-simplex. And since it has the topology of the sphere \( \mathbb{S}^d\), it is manifold, thus any \( d-1\)-face belongs to exactly two \( d\)-dimensional full cells. More...
class  TriangulationDataStructure::FullCell
 The concept TriangulationDataStructure::FullCell describes the type used by a TriangulationDataStructure to store the full cells. More...
class  TriangulationDataStructure::Vertex
 The concept TriangulationDataStructure::Vertex describes the type used by a TriangulationDataStructure to store the vertices. More...
class  TriangulationDSFace
 A TriangulationDSFace describes a face f with dimension k (a k-face) in a triangulation. It gives access to a handle to a full cell c containing the face f in its boundary, as well as the indices of the vertices of f in c. It must hold that f is a proper face of full cell c, i.e., the dimension of f is strictly less than the dimension of c. The dimension of a face is implicitely set when TriangulationDSFace::set_index is called. For example, if TriangulationDSFace::set_index is called two times to set the first two vertices (i = 0 and i = 1), then the dimension is 1. More...
class  TriangulationDSFullCell
 The concept TriangulationDSFullCell describes the requirements for the full cell class of a CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure. It refines the concept TriangulationDataStructure::FullCell. More...
class  TriangulationDSVertex
 The concept TriangulationDSVertex describes the requirements for the vertex base class of a CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure. It refines the concept TriangulationDataStructure::Vertex. More...
class  TriangulationFullCell
 The concept TriangulationFullCell describes the requirements on the type used by the class CGAL::Triangulation<TriangulationTraits_, TriangulationDataStructure_>, and its derived classes, to represent a full cell. More...
class  TriangulationTraits
 This concept describes the geometric types and predicates required to build a triangulation. It corresponds to the first template parameter of the class CGAL::Triangulation<TriangulationTraits_, TriangulationDataStructure_>. More...
class  TriangulationVertex
 The concept TriangulationVertex describes the requirements on the type used by the class CGAL::Triangulation<TriangulationTraits_, TriangulationDataStructure_>, and its derived classes, to represent a vertex. More...