CGAL 5.1 - 3D Mesh Generation
3D Mesh Generation Reference

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Pierre Alliez, Clément Jamin, Laurent Rineau, Stéphane Tayeb, Jane Tournois, Mariette Yvinec
This package is devoted to the generation of isotropic simplicial meshes discretizing 3D domains. The domain to be meshed is a region of 3D space that has to be bounded. The region may be connected or composed of multiple components and/or subdivided in several subdomains. The domain is input as an oracle able to answer queries, of a few different types, on the domain. Boundary and subdivision surfaces are either smooth or piecewise smooth surfaces, formed with planar or curved surface patches. Surfaces may exhibit 1-dimensional features (e.g. crease edges) and 0-dimensional features (e.g. singular points as corners tips, cusps or darts), that have to be fairly approximated in the mesh. Optionally, the algorithms support multi-core shared-memory architectures to take advantage of available parallelism.
Introduced in: CGAL 3.5
Depends on: PkgTriangulation3 and thirdpartyEigen
BibTeX: cgal:rty-m3-21b
License: GPL
Windows Demo: Polyhedron demo
Common Demo Dlls: dlls

Classified Reference Pages


Here are the main concepts of this package:

The following concepts are secondary concepts, related to the template parameters of some models of the main concepts:


The following classes are models of domain concepts and their associated classes:

Function Templates

CGAL::parameters Functions


Input/Output Functions


 Main Concepts
 Secondary Concepts
 Mesh Classes
 Domain Classes
 Mesh Generation Functions
 Parameter Functions
 Input/Output Functions