CGAL 5.1 - 2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations


class  ArrangementDirectionalXMonotoneTraits_2
 This concept refines the basic arrangement \( x\)-monotone traits concept. A model of this concept is able to handle directed \( x\)-monotone curves that intersect in their interior. Namely, an instance of the X_monotone_curve_2 type defined by a model of the concept ArrangementXMonotoneTraits_2 is only required to have a left (lexicographically smaller) endpoint and a right endpoint. If the traits class is also a model of ArrangementDirectionalXMonotoneTraits_2, the \( x\)-monotone curve is also required to have a direction, namely one of these two endpoint serves as its source and the other as its target. More...
class  ArrDirectionalTraits::AreMergeable_2
class  ArrDirectionalTraits::CompareEndpointsXy_2
class  ArrDirectionalTraits::ConstructOpposite_2
class  ArrDirectionalTraits::Intersect_2
class  ArrDirectionalTraits::Merge_2
class  ArrDirectionalTraits::Split_2
class  GeneralPolygon_2
class  GeneralPolygonSetDcel
 A doubly-connected edge-list (Dcel for short) data-structure. It consists of three containers of records: vertices \( V\), halfedges \( E\), and faces \( F\). It maintains the incidence relation among them. The halfedges are ordered in pairs sometimes referred to as twins, such that each halfedge pair represent an edge. More...
class  GeneralPolygonSetDcelFace
 A face record in a Dcel data structure used by the General_polygon_set_2 and Polygon_set_2 template classes to represent the underlying internal Arrangement_2 data structure. More...
class  GeneralPolygonSetDcelHalfedge
 A halfedge record in a Dcel data structure used by the General_polygon_set_2 and Polygon_set_2 template classes to represent the underlying internal Arrangement_2 data structure. More...
class  GeneralPolygonSetTraits_2
 This concept defines the minimal set of geometric predicates needed to perform the Boolean-set operations. It refines the directional \( x\)-monotone arrangement-traits concept. In addition to the Point_2 and X_monotone_curve_2 types defined in the generalized concept, it defines a type that represents a general polygon and another one that represents general polygon with holes. It also requires operations that operate on these types. More...
class  GpsTraitsGeneralPolygon_2
 A model of this concept represents a simple general polygon. More...
class  GpsTraitsGeneralPolygonWithHoles_2
 A model of this concept represents a general polygon with holes. More...