CGAL 5.1 - 2D Arrangements

Computes the overlay of two arrangements with history arr1 and arr2, and sets the output arrangement with history res to represent the overlaid arrangement. The function also constructs a consolidated set of curves that induce res.

res does not refer to either arr1 or arr2 (that is, "self overlay" is not supported).

Computes the (simple) overlay of two arrangements with history arr1 and arr2, and sets the output arrangement with history res to represent the overlaid arrangement. The function also constructs a consolidated set of curves that induce res. It employs the default overlay-traits, which practically does nothing.

res does not refer to either arr1 or arr2 (that is, "self overlay" is not supported).


class  CGAL::Arr_default_overlay_traits< Arrangement >
class  CGAL::Arr_face_overlay_traits< Arr_A, Arr_B, Arr_R, OvlFaceData >